MSM sits on Evelyn Farkas story hoping their suppression will make it go away
(too old to reply)
Joe Cooper
2017-03-30 15:16:08 UTC
Too sad for words for American readers, television viewers and
radio listeners, that the MSM couldn’t give a damn

The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news networks,
the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting this morning on the
bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official Evelyn Farkas appears to have
owned up in her own words to have participated in well-planned
surveillance of the Trump team conducted by the Obama administration
which buried their dirty work deep in the federal bureaucracy. Read The

Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense
for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, and
who went on to join the Hillary Clinton rat pack campaign team, spoke
openly about her personal knowledge of Obama national security officials
rushing to preserve as much intelligence as they could before Trump took
office and directed that information to Congress:

“I was urging my former colleagues, and frankly speaking the people on
the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as
much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before
President Obama leaves the administration,” Farkas, who is now a senior
fellow at the Atlantic Council, said. (FoxNews March 29, 2017)

“Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with
the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the
bureaucracy … that the Trump folks – if they found out how we knew what
we knew about their … the Trump staff dealing with Russians – that they
would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we no longer
have access to that intelligence.”
Proof positive that 100 percent of the mainstream media ignored what
should be the most important story of the year, in transparent attempts
to suppress it, comes from the Google list below.


Only Twenty-two news outlets—all of them Conservative—reported on the
Farkas story.

At press time, a Polish news outlet (Interia) appears as number 7 on the
list and a Vietnamese one, (Báo Ð?u th?u) appears as the list’s number 9.

The Obama administration was spying on Donald Trump while he was still a
candidate in attempts to guarantee Hillary Clinton’s presidential
election victory.

Too sad for words for American readers, television viewers and radio
listeners, that the MSM couldn’t give a damn.

Google List...

Keep reading: http://bit.ly/2nPCbOT
"You will never understand today's rage on the left, or its real effort
to overthrow American constitutional government, if you do not understand
lynch mobs -- KKK, Leninist, Soros-sponsored, and Obama-controlled."--
James Lewis, "Lynch Mobs of the Left," http://bit.ly/2lwmH2y
Robert Pickton
2017-03-30 19:55:11 UTC
Mr. B1ack
2017-03-30 22:26:10 UTC
The lefty MSM didn't "ignore" this story, didn't "miss"
this story - it's actively, deliberately CENSORING this
story - trying hard to shove it down ye olde Memory
Hole so the rep of Hiz Holiness BHO won't be tarnished.

Notice though that all the "Trump is lying about wiretaps"
fakenews has STOPPED very abruptly :-)

What I want to know is how long this spying was going
on - it's important. Was it happening fer-sure BEFORE
the election ? Yea, "Russia" may have been the excuse
but we all know the "incidental" information - election
strategy stuff - was what they were REALLY after. Who
got copies and when ?

If those close to the DNC or Hil/Bernie were getting
weekly "extracts" then we're seeing something at
least as bad as Nixons plumbing activities - maybe
worse because more high-level people seem to
have been involved in the spying and cover-up.
2017-03-31 16:54:21 UTC
The lefty MSM didn't "ignore" this story, didn't "miss" this
story - it's actively, deliberately CENSORING this story -
trying hard to shove it down ye olde Memory Hole so the rep of
Hiz Holiness BHO won't be tarnished.
Notice though that all the "Trump is lying about wiretaps"
fakenews has STOPPED very abruptly :-)
What I want to know is how long this spying was going on - it's
important. Was it happening fer-sure BEFORE the election ? Yea,
"Russia" may have been the excuse but we all know the
"incidental" information - election strategy stuff - was what
they were REALLY after. Who got copies and when ?
If those close to the DNC or Hil/Bernie were getting weekly
"extracts" then we're seeing something at least as bad as Nixons
plumbing activities - maybe worse because more high-level people
seem to have been involved in the spying and cover-up.
The MSM covers what it chooses, not what Donald Trump chooses.

Trump might be able to influence what Fox or Breitbart publish but
the MSM have too much integrity to listen to his pleas.
Rudy Canoza
2017-03-31 18:06:05 UTC
Post by Mr. B1ack
The lefty MSM didn't "ignore" this story, didn't "miss"
this story - it's actively, deliberately CENSORING this
Bullshit - there is no "story". The only "story" is one you've
fabricated in your diseased imagination, to wit, that the Obama
administration conducted electronic surveillance on Trump and his
shills. That "story" is a lie.
Rudy Canoza
2017-03-31 15:38:46 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Too sad for words for American readers, television viewers and
radio listeners, that the MSM couldn’t give a damn
The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news networks,
the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting this morning on the
bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official Evelyn Farkas appears to have
owned up in her own words to have participated in well-planned
surveillance of the Trump team conducted by the Obama administration
She admitted no such thing.
2017-03-31 16:52:47 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news
networks, the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting
this morning on the bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official
Evelyn Farkas appears to have owned up in her own words to have
participated in well-planned surveillance of the Trump team
conducted by the Obama administration which buried their dirty
work deep in the federal bureaucracy. Read The Swamp.
Er, what's the story? Evelyn Farkas was one of those asked to
help preserve evidence of Russian collusion which Trump would find
so inconvenient that when he became president he would try to bury

Well done Evelyn. Trump can't hide the evidence if he can't get
his paws on it.

That's justice.
2017-03-31 17:11:56 UTC
Post by PIBB
Post by Joe Cooper
The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news
networks, the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting
this morning on the bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official
Evelyn Farkas appears to have owned up in her own words to have
participated in well-planned surveillance of the Trump team
conducted by the Obama administration which buried their dirty
work deep in the federal bureaucracy. Read The Swamp.
Er, what's the story? Evelyn Farkas was one of those asked to
help preserve evidence of Russian collusion which Trump would find
so inconvenient that when he became president he would try to bury
Well done Evelyn. Trump can't hide the evidence if he can't get
his paws on it.
That's justice.
Why didn't Farkas post it all to WikiLeaks?
That's Karma
2017-03-31 20:38:12 UTC
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by PIBB
Post by Joe Cooper
The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news
networks, the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting
this morning on the bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official
Evelyn Farkas appears to have owned up in her own words to have
participated in well-planned surveillance of the Trump team
conducted by the Obama administration which buried their dirty
work deep in the federal bureaucracy. Read The Swamp.
Er, what's the story? Evelyn Farkas was one of those asked to
help preserve evidence of Russian collusion which Trump would find
so inconvenient that when he became president he would try to bury
Well done Evelyn. Trump can't hide the evidence if he can't get
his paws on it.
That's justice.
Why didn't Farkas post it all to WikiLeaks?
That would make it into a leak.
