Joe Cooper
2018-01-18 21:05:58 UTC
That was about the only question not asked by a Washington press corps
wondering if a billionaire developer who beat 16 primary opponents,
including senators and governors, for the Republican nomination, then
beat the smartest woman in the world for the presidency, and is the
author of an economic renaissance is drinking too much Diet Coke. If
these are the results, then buy a case each for the 535 in the House and
the Senate.
Despite a detailed physical report presented at Tuesday's White House
press conference by presidential physician Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson
saying President Trump is in excellent health, the Jim Acostas of the
world want to know if President Trump wears dentures and what his BMI
(body mass index) is. In fact, we how have reports of a "girther"
movement arising. Maybe we can retire the national debt with a "guess
his weight" contest. William Howard Taft, call your office.
Judging from the repetitive questions about President Trump's mental
state, whether he has Alzheimer's or early onset dementia, one would
suggest that it is the press that has OCD (obsessive compulsive
disorder). At least they didn't ask him if he knows where Captain
Queeg's missing strawberries were.
Dr. Jackson was asked about so-called mental health professionals around
the country diagnosing President Trump as mentally unfit, suggesting that
the president, who is fond of McDonald's, is one fry short of a Happy
Meal. Dr. Jackson was too charitable to suggest what response these
distant doctors should receive. They should have their licenses pulled
for unprofessional conduct.
There is something called the "Goldwater rule," named after the 1964 Fact
magazine article in which psychiatrists were polled about Senator Barry
Goldwater's fitness to be president. The American Psychiatric
Association considers it unethical to make and express psychological
evaluations from afar and without the evaluee's consent. Most people
just call it by its other name: character assassination.
One doesn't recall a similar press conference and badgering of Hillary's
physician whether being a serial liar indicated a severe psychiatric
problem rendering her unfit for the presidency; whether the consequences
of her bumping her head shortly before her scheduled Benghazi testimony
was covered up; or whether her health problems, stumbles, falls, and a
hidden case of pneumonia rendered her unfit for office.
After Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony was delayed by a fall and a
concussion, the state of her health was treated by her defenders as a
medical subset of the vast right-wing conspiracy. She attempted to make
light of new questions being raised, in part from simple observation of
her recent behavior by opening a jar of pickles on Jimmy Kimmel's show
and having him feel her pulse. The media roared.
The press treated concerns about her health as just another far-right
conspiracy theory, but incidents indicating she might be in a real pickle
over her health kept popping up. For example, on July 21, 2016, Hillary
was filmed talking to reporters when she began a bizarre head-bobbing
episode followed by a strange response to reporters' questions about her
V.P. choices. As The Hill reported:
[The Hill]
Hillary Clinton seemed taken aback and sought to change the subject when
reporters asked whether she has spoken with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-
Mass.) about being her running mate.
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was speaking to reporters
as she bought a cold tea at Uprising Muffin Company in Washington, D.C.'s
Shaw neighborhood Friday.
"Have you talked about vice presidential possibilities with Sen.
Warren?" one reporter is heard asking in a video tweeted by CBS reporter
Hannah Chanpong.
The presumptive Democratic nominee exaggeratedly bobs her head, widens
her eyes and then laughs when a few reporters repeat the question.
"You guys have got to try the cold chai," Clinton responded, holding up
her tea.
[/The Hill]
This bizarre episode was chalked up by some as campaign fatigue, but this
was not just some slip of the tongue. It may also be the tip of a health
issue iceberg: in May, 2011 Hillary Clinton fell boarding her aircraft
during a trip to the Middle East. A video of the event recorded her
fall. As the Telegraph reported:
The [U.S. s]ecretary of [s]tate was boarding a plane to head to Oman when
she tripped over a step and ended up on the floor.
Mrs. Clinton was visiting Yemen, with the declared aim of helping the
country cope with a growing al-Qaeda threat through political, social[,]
and economic reforms, was unhurt and was quickly helped to her feet to
continue her journey.
A photo that went viral and that was later published by Reuters and Getty
shows Hillary being helped up the stairs of a home during a campaign stop
in South Carolina in February:
Hillary Clinton needed to be physically helped up a moderate flight of
stairs by her team of staffers and handlers, according to campaign[]
trail photos that made the rounds on the [i]nternet Sunday.
Reuters and Getty photographs captured Hillary Clinton, 68, struggling to
make it up the stairs, either as a result of her fragile body or perhaps
because her well[] documented brain injuries make it harder for her to
transport herself through daily life activities. The photos gained wide
circulation on the [i]nternet Sunday. The photos were taken in February
as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina.
Perhaps this explains why Hillary's campaign appearances were carefully
choreographed and why she avoided press conferences. Another head-
bobbing incident would have been harder to explain than Donald Trump's
Should Hillary's health be campaign issue? In 2014, Investor's Business
Daily said it should, starting with the bobbing and weaving around the
original "Benghazi bump":
[Investor's Business Daily]
After Bill Clinton contradicted State Department claims about Hillary's
health with news of a six-month rehab, her fitness should be as much of
an issue as Sarah Palin's baby and John McCain's age.
Karl Rove has taken a lot of heat for raising the issue of age and mental
condition of a secretary of state who disappeared from public view as the
Benghazi controversy arose. The questions are similar to those asked
about President Reagan after his first debate with Vice President Walter
Mondale, and those asked about Sen. John McCain and his prisoner of war
experiences. So why is Hillary Clinton being treated differently?
During the week of Dec. 9, 2012, [s]ecretary of [s]tate Clinton is said
to have fainted at home, hitting her head as she fell. Clinton was
diagnosed with a concussion, the New York Times reported on Dec. 13, with
a State Department official saying the concussion "was not severe."
On Dec. 15, State Department spokesman Philippe Reines released this
statement on the concussion:
"While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became
dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion. She has been recovering
at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors."
On Jan. 3, 2013, Clinton is released from the hospital and returns to
work where she is presented with a football helmet by State Department
staff. Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland explains that "the secretary is going
to be wearing the glasses instead of her contacts for some period of time
because of lingering issues that stemmed from her concussion."
After that, the administration took the usual "nothing to see here, so
let's move on" position.
Then on May 14, while defending his wife from Rove's remarks on whether
this was more than a head bump, Bill Clinton revealed that his wife's
injury "required six months of very serious work to get over." This
contradicted news and State Department accounts. The question is why
this was not revealed earlier.
[/Investor's Business Daily]
Indeed, there were many questions about Hillary's health, past, present,
and future, that needed to be answered, starting with the obfuscation
that continues to this day. The "Fox News Medical A-Team" addressed the
issue on Hannity:
[Real Clear Politics]
Dr. Marc Seigel said "the public has a right to know" and speculated on
what the issue could be but was more interested in previous spills and a
concussion she had in 2012.
"I think the public has a right to know," Seigel said. "We're talking in
2008[;] Sean, I looked over a thousand pages of John McCain's records
because of a melanoma he had 10 years ago. What about Hillary? In 2009,
a severe fall. She breaks her elbow. In 2011, she boards a plane,
falls. In 2012 she has a severe concussion [that] Bill Clinton says took
her six months to recover from.
"Then she ends up with a blood[] clot in the brain and a lifetime of
blood[-]thinners," Seigel said. "Just that point alone if she's prone
to falling, you can see from that picture up there that it looked [as if]
she can barely get upstairs without two people carrying her. Guess what
if she falls and hits her head[.] She'll get a blood[] clot."
"I want to know what her neurological records show," he added.
"The picture going up the stairs speaks a million words," Dr. David
Samadi said. "Is she fatigued? Is she dehydrated? One of the main
reasons she fell in 2012 and had the concussions was severe dehydration.
They're holding her and going up the stairs. So she may be really
dehydrated, she may have arthritis, she may have back pain, [or] she may
have fallen again. We don't know. There are questions that are
unanswered. What we know today is she's on thyroid medication, she
suffers from hypothyroid, low thyroid, that can cause fatigue and gaining
weight and all of that."
"I think a traumatic brain injury with symptoms down the road is very,
very likely here especially since she had a blood[] clot on her brain.
As David mentioned that could lead to a seizure problem. Someone is
carrying a [diazepam] pen that you'd use in case of a seizure, a Valium
pen, that makes me wonder about that," Dr. Seigel said.
[/Real Clear Politics]
But that was then, and this is now. No one in the legacy media ever
suggested that Hillary Clinton was crazy or unfit for the presidency,
that she might have Alzheimer's when she told the B.I. interviewers in
her email investigation that she couldn't recall 39 times, or that she
might have early onset dementia. And it would have been sexist to
question her body mass index.
Here's Trump's clean bill of health, guys and gals. Would you like fries
with that?
Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in
Investor's Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago
Sun-Times among other publications.
wondering if a billionaire developer who beat 16 primary opponents,
including senators and governors, for the Republican nomination, then
beat the smartest woman in the world for the presidency, and is the
author of an economic renaissance is drinking too much Diet Coke. If
these are the results, then buy a case each for the 535 in the House and
the Senate.
Despite a detailed physical report presented at Tuesday's White House
press conference by presidential physician Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson
saying President Trump is in excellent health, the Jim Acostas of the
world want to know if President Trump wears dentures and what his BMI
(body mass index) is. In fact, we how have reports of a "girther"
movement arising. Maybe we can retire the national debt with a "guess
his weight" contest. William Howard Taft, call your office.
Judging from the repetitive questions about President Trump's mental
state, whether he has Alzheimer's or early onset dementia, one would
suggest that it is the press that has OCD (obsessive compulsive
disorder). At least they didn't ask him if he knows where Captain
Queeg's missing strawberries were.
Dr. Jackson was asked about so-called mental health professionals around
the country diagnosing President Trump as mentally unfit, suggesting that
the president, who is fond of McDonald's, is one fry short of a Happy
Meal. Dr. Jackson was too charitable to suggest what response these
distant doctors should receive. They should have their licenses pulled
for unprofessional conduct.
There is something called the "Goldwater rule," named after the 1964 Fact
magazine article in which psychiatrists were polled about Senator Barry
Goldwater's fitness to be president. The American Psychiatric
Association considers it unethical to make and express psychological
evaluations from afar and without the evaluee's consent. Most people
just call it by its other name: character assassination.
One doesn't recall a similar press conference and badgering of Hillary's
physician whether being a serial liar indicated a severe psychiatric
problem rendering her unfit for the presidency; whether the consequences
of her bumping her head shortly before her scheduled Benghazi testimony
was covered up; or whether her health problems, stumbles, falls, and a
hidden case of pneumonia rendered her unfit for office.
After Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony was delayed by a fall and a
concussion, the state of her health was treated by her defenders as a
medical subset of the vast right-wing conspiracy. She attempted to make
light of new questions being raised, in part from simple observation of
her recent behavior by opening a jar of pickles on Jimmy Kimmel's show
and having him feel her pulse. The media roared.
The press treated concerns about her health as just another far-right
conspiracy theory, but incidents indicating she might be in a real pickle
over her health kept popping up. For example, on July 21, 2016, Hillary
was filmed talking to reporters when she began a bizarre head-bobbing
episode followed by a strange response to reporters' questions about her
V.P. choices. As The Hill reported:
[The Hill]
Hillary Clinton seemed taken aback and sought to change the subject when
reporters asked whether she has spoken with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-
Mass.) about being her running mate.
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was speaking to reporters
as she bought a cold tea at Uprising Muffin Company in Washington, D.C.'s
Shaw neighborhood Friday.
"Have you talked about vice presidential possibilities with Sen.
Warren?" one reporter is heard asking in a video tweeted by CBS reporter
Hannah Chanpong.
The presumptive Democratic nominee exaggeratedly bobs her head, widens
her eyes and then laughs when a few reporters repeat the question.
"You guys have got to try the cold chai," Clinton responded, holding up
her tea.
[/The Hill]
This bizarre episode was chalked up by some as campaign fatigue, but this
was not just some slip of the tongue. It may also be the tip of a health
issue iceberg: in May, 2011 Hillary Clinton fell boarding her aircraft
during a trip to the Middle East. A video of the event recorded her
fall. As the Telegraph reported:
The [U.S. s]ecretary of [s]tate was boarding a plane to head to Oman when
she tripped over a step and ended up on the floor.
Mrs. Clinton was visiting Yemen, with the declared aim of helping the
country cope with a growing al-Qaeda threat through political, social[,]
and economic reforms, was unhurt and was quickly helped to her feet to
continue her journey.
A photo that went viral and that was later published by Reuters and Getty
shows Hillary being helped up the stairs of a home during a campaign stop
in South Carolina in February:
Hillary Clinton needed to be physically helped up a moderate flight of
stairs by her team of staffers and handlers, according to campaign[]
trail photos that made the rounds on the [i]nternet Sunday.
Reuters and Getty photographs captured Hillary Clinton, 68, struggling to
make it up the stairs, either as a result of her fragile body or perhaps
because her well[] documented brain injuries make it harder for her to
transport herself through daily life activities. The photos gained wide
circulation on the [i]nternet Sunday. The photos were taken in February
as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina.
Perhaps this explains why Hillary's campaign appearances were carefully
choreographed and why she avoided press conferences. Another head-
bobbing incident would have been harder to explain than Donald Trump's
Should Hillary's health be campaign issue? In 2014, Investor's Business
Daily said it should, starting with the bobbing and weaving around the
original "Benghazi bump":
[Investor's Business Daily]
After Bill Clinton contradicted State Department claims about Hillary's
health with news of a six-month rehab, her fitness should be as much of
an issue as Sarah Palin's baby and John McCain's age.
Karl Rove has taken a lot of heat for raising the issue of age and mental
condition of a secretary of state who disappeared from public view as the
Benghazi controversy arose. The questions are similar to those asked
about President Reagan after his first debate with Vice President Walter
Mondale, and those asked about Sen. John McCain and his prisoner of war
experiences. So why is Hillary Clinton being treated differently?
During the week of Dec. 9, 2012, [s]ecretary of [s]tate Clinton is said
to have fainted at home, hitting her head as she fell. Clinton was
diagnosed with a concussion, the New York Times reported on Dec. 13, with
a State Department official saying the concussion "was not severe."
On Dec. 15, State Department spokesman Philippe Reines released this
statement on the concussion:
"While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became
dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion. She has been recovering
at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors."
On Jan. 3, 2013, Clinton is released from the hospital and returns to
work where she is presented with a football helmet by State Department
staff. Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland explains that "the secretary is going
to be wearing the glasses instead of her contacts for some period of time
because of lingering issues that stemmed from her concussion."
After that, the administration took the usual "nothing to see here, so
let's move on" position.
Then on May 14, while defending his wife from Rove's remarks on whether
this was more than a head bump, Bill Clinton revealed that his wife's
injury "required six months of very serious work to get over." This
contradicted news and State Department accounts. The question is why
this was not revealed earlier.
[/Investor's Business Daily]
Indeed, there were many questions about Hillary's health, past, present,
and future, that needed to be answered, starting with the obfuscation
that continues to this day. The "Fox News Medical A-Team" addressed the
issue on Hannity:
[Real Clear Politics]
Dr. Marc Seigel said "the public has a right to know" and speculated on
what the issue could be but was more interested in previous spills and a
concussion she had in 2012.
"I think the public has a right to know," Seigel said. "We're talking in
2008[;] Sean, I looked over a thousand pages of John McCain's records
because of a melanoma he had 10 years ago. What about Hillary? In 2009,
a severe fall. She breaks her elbow. In 2011, she boards a plane,
falls. In 2012 she has a severe concussion [that] Bill Clinton says took
her six months to recover from.
"Then she ends up with a blood[] clot in the brain and a lifetime of
blood[-]thinners," Seigel said. "Just that point alone if she's prone
to falling, you can see from that picture up there that it looked [as if]
she can barely get upstairs without two people carrying her. Guess what
if she falls and hits her head[.] She'll get a blood[] clot."
"I want to know what her neurological records show," he added.
"The picture going up the stairs speaks a million words," Dr. David
Samadi said. "Is she fatigued? Is she dehydrated? One of the main
reasons she fell in 2012 and had the concussions was severe dehydration.
They're holding her and going up the stairs. So she may be really
dehydrated, she may have arthritis, she may have back pain, [or] she may
have fallen again. We don't know. There are questions that are
unanswered. What we know today is she's on thyroid medication, she
suffers from hypothyroid, low thyroid, that can cause fatigue and gaining
weight and all of that."
"I think a traumatic brain injury with symptoms down the road is very,
very likely here especially since she had a blood[] clot on her brain.
As David mentioned that could lead to a seizure problem. Someone is
carrying a [diazepam] pen that you'd use in case of a seizure, a Valium
pen, that makes me wonder about that," Dr. Seigel said.
[/Real Clear Politics]
But that was then, and this is now. No one in the legacy media ever
suggested that Hillary Clinton was crazy or unfit for the presidency,
that she might have Alzheimer's when she told the B.I. interviewers in
her email investigation that she couldn't recall 39 times, or that she
might have early onset dementia. And it would have been sexist to
question her body mass index.
Here's Trump's clean bill of health, guys and gals. Would you like fries
with that?
Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in
Investor's Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago
Sun-Times among other publications.
"The Marxists, communists and fascists of the Democrat Party have
launched a strategy of deception, projection, and a new generation of
brown shirts who fanatically believe that their violence is honorable,
and necessary, to save America from some kind of a Fourth Reich
perpetrated by the GOP." (Douglas Gibbs )
"The Marxists, communists and fascists of the Democrat Party have
launched a strategy of deception, projection, and a new generation of
brown shirts who fanatically believe that their violence is honorable,
and necessary, to save America from some kind of a Fourth Reich
perpetrated by the GOP." (Douglas Gibbs )