The Biggest Threat to America*s Future Is the Media
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Joe Cooper
2018-05-23 15:57:18 UTC
The United States of America is by far the most powerful nation on Planet
Earth, spending about as much on defense as the entire rest of the world.
According to a report on globalization from Credit Suisse, the U.S. has
maintained its position as the world's strongest military. As an
example, although Russia has the most substantial number of tanks,
approximately 15,000, with the U.S. coming in at around 8,000, the U.S.
tops the list in military aircraft with approximately 14,000, submarines
at 72, and ten fleet aircraft carriers and two more under construction.

There is just no realistic way for any outside entity to physically take
over the streets of a country whose known weaponry is capable of
incinerating the globe many times over. You will never see an Iranian
tank rolling down Park Avenue in Manhattan. The reason many Hollywood
sci-fi movies have the invading extraterrestrials focused on taking over
and destroying Washington, D.C. and not Rome or Caracas is that much of
the movie-going world realizes that if the capital of the world's
superpower goes, it's pretty much game over for the rest of the big blue

So, with the odds of any real threat of invasion to the U.S. coming from
a foreign country at near zero, the only possible way the American
people can lose their freedom is through an internal collapse – a
breakdown not only of the rule of law, culture, and language, but Judeo-
Christian values upon which America built its foundation. If there is a
playbook on the specific steps needed to dismantle America from within,
it is indeed in use today. There is no secret how the left has been
amazingly successful in such a short period.

Outnumbered and without supporting evidence or facts to back up its
globalist, anti-American rhetoric, the left relies entirely on the full
support of the media. Today, the media in the United States are not
objective seekers and disseminators of truth. In truth, the media serve
as the propagandist and protector of the forces that want to change
America from a constitutional republic to a socialist state. The evidence
is clear and overwhelming of the countless times the media have
selectively covered what promotes leftist ideals and ignored or altered
the facts of what exposes the sinister leftist agenda. The clear
examples of media bias, misinformation, and deceit are inescapable.

It's hard to imagine that the news organizations we have all grown up
with and trusted all our lives are now actively undermining our system of
government and using their far-reaching influence to divide the
population in their effort to control better. With the full assistance
of the media, the leftist plan to alter America's course from a free to a
significantly oppressed society has become more of a reality. Continuous
and relentless leftist propaganda distributed by the media most certainly
has an impact on the American psyche. It is the deliberate intention of
the media to successfully elevate the fringe leftist element in America
and demonize all types of speech and opinion that run counter to the
leftist program.

The media can no longer hide behind the benign image of a sometimes left-
leaning communications entity because they have exposed themselves for
what indeed they are: active participants in the dismantling of
traditional American values. Anything short of acknowledging this
realization is dealing with the self-defeating activity of self-

The pervasively destructive demand for politically correct language
extinguishes the essential means of communication. It is a fundamental
part of liberty that Americans need to speak freely and openly without
concern regarding hurting the feelings of others. Political correctness
is a weapon in the arsenal of the left, and free-thinking Americans
should resist legitimizing such a tactic and refrain from using that
weapon against themselves.

It is not hyperbolic to say today's mainstream media are an enemy of
truth, conservative thought, and the authority of the United States
Constitution. Many young, as well as some seasoned journalists in
today's media are not capable of reporting the truth, either because of
their leftist indoctrination in liberal universities or out of fear of
the consequences from the leftist editorial boards of most media outlets.

There is no question that the left aims at changing America in the worst
possible way, but its efforts would go largely unnoticed if not for the
sympathetic and like-minded media.

Source: http://bit.ly/Seditious-Press-2IL16uz
"Conservative actor James Woods let America know exactly what “#DACA is
about” in one devastating tweet that included a meme depicting Senate
Minority Schoolmarm Chuck Schumer ‘saying,’ “It’s very simple to
understand actually – If Americans won’t vote for Democrats, then we’ll
import people who will."” (Scott Morefield)
2018-05-23 21:59:17 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
It is not hyperbolic to say today's mainstream media are an enemy of
truth, conservative thought, and the authority of the United States
Constitution. Many young, as well as some seasoned journalists in today's
media are not capable of reporting the truth, either because of their
leftist indoctrination in liberal universities or out of fear of the
consequences from the leftist editorial boards of most media outlets.
There is no question that the left aims at changing America in the worst
possible way, but its efforts would go largely unnoticed if not for the
sympathetic and like-minded media.
Source: http://bit.ly/Seditious-Press-2IL16uz
I used to be in that business forty years ago (That was my college
major). I found out real quick that you're not supposed to report the news
with "honesty, integrity, and objectivity." My REAL job was to "sell the
station." Nowadays a reporter is nothing more that a mouthpiece to parrot
the social and political agendas of owners, editors, and general managers.
Like any other job, someone else is signing your paycheck, so you just
better do as you're told. If you don't like it, you better find another
career. Which is just what I did.

If you enjoy the 24/7 coverage of loot-and-burn bongo binges, you can thank
the leftist media. Their mantra of “If it bleeds, it leads” has left them
with blood on their hands. By editing the Rodney King video so the public
didn’t see him leading a chase through residential neighborhoods and
resisting arrest, they instigated four days of riots. By doctoring Zimmerman’s
911 call, they polarized the country and got people killed. By running with
the false rumor that Mike Brown had his hands up, they leveled entire areas
of St. Louis; and by pretending Eric Garner was a street vendor who was
strangled for no reason, they sealed our fate as a racist nation on the

Gangbangers are animals who deserve an early death, but at least they have
some rules. They tend to avoid killing a rival when he’s with his kids and
they keep their wars mostly within their own turf.

The media has no such boundaries. They're happy to plunge the entire
country into a state of chaos for a few extra dollars. They burn communities
to the ground and enable thousands of murders in order to get a desk by the
window or a pat on the back by the boss.

When reporters in combat zones get taken out by friendly fire nowadays, few
in uniform give a shit about whether it was an accident. "Imbedded" camera
crews are regarded as nuisances at best and dangerous security threats at
worst. When Geraldo Rivera made his trip to Afghanistan, I was hoping his
next appearance would be on Rotten.com.

It's the dream of every two-bit local reporter to be on hand when some big
event happens, so he/she might catch the eye of some big network and thus go
from beans and hamburgers to wine and brie. The incentive to incite,
sensationalize, and falsify is always there ("If it bleeds, it leads"), and
sometimes it pays off. Just as often the reporter gets more than he or she
bargained for.

For several years www.angelfire.com/ny/heynow2 had an audio clip of a White
Liberal newsman being suddenly surprised, then clobbered, during the 1992
L.A. riots. I couldn't help but laugh when he blurted out something like,
"Stop.. I'm a reporter!," and "I'm on YOUR side," then you hear him getting
his ass kicked.

Journalists these days don't believe that people have a right to keep and
bear arms to defend themselves against street crime, so I could care less if
street thugs beat the crap out of PC-puking media fuckstains. Doing a number
that L.A. reporter was a public service. It's not like he was a productive
citizen like Reginald Denny <snicker>.

On one of Fox's "World's Most Shocking Videos" episodes there was a segment
that showed a bongo brawl on a front lawn in a black Seattle neighborhood,
and here was this centerfoldish-looking White lady reporter standing nearby,
microphone in hand, reporting on the mini-riot. While the camera rolled,
this big young buck casually walked up to her and BAM! -- broke her nose. I
thought, "Welcome to the wonderful world of TNB, lady." I have a feeling
she changed careers soon afterwards.

The days of the hard-boiled, working-class newspaperman are long over. Now
the media members think they belong to the "elite" class, pressing the flesh
with the rich and famous. These reporters wouldn't be so eager if they
routinely got the living shit beaten out of them, especially when they are
on-camera announcers. Most of these "journalists" you see on MSNBC are in
fact "infotainers" who have never had a first-class, A-1 ass-kicking. You
know, a couple of black eyes, a busted nose, some loose teeth, a few cracked
ribs, maybe a day or two in the hospital for observation. You wouldn't be
bothered by Chris Hayes' mangina mug on MSNBC if his face was stomped
to a pulp. Rachel Madcow wouldn't be much to look at after having acid
thrown in her face. One good slash down the face would put Andrea Mitchell
not just out of a job, but out of a career.

CNN reporter hit in head by a rock during live Ferguson report:

RT reporter discovers Amercan blacks aren't like the ones on the Cosby Show:
